Feng Shui

Feng Shui
Feng Shui – Pronounced: Fehng Shwey
Feng Shui means ‘wind’ as in ‘feng’ and ‘water’ as in ‘shui’, two elements associated with good health and prosperity in the Chinese culture.
Feng Shui is an ancient natural science dating back as far as 6,000 years, and is greatly influenced by the Taoist vision of nature. It revolves around one of the major principles of the Taoist philosophies: all of nature is alive and filled with a special energy called ‘Chi’. Feng Shui is often understood as the art of placement.
It is a system of laws that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy. Feng Shui is the premise that living with nature, rather than against nature, benefits both humans and our environment. Its philosophy and practice believe that proper placement influences one’s life in terms of health, wealth and prosperity.
The Feng Shui masters of ancient times were exploring the unseen, mystical dimensions of the Universal energy called Chi. Their goal was to map the influence of this energy on humans’ well-being. These ancient Feng Shui masters were studying the intricately connected patterns between the Universal and the personal expressions of energy.
They studied with absolute dedication the expressions of this Universal energy in various land formations, in the flow of water, the geometry of man-made structures and so much more. What they came to clearly understand (and define as a foundation for good Feng Shui) is that in order for an indoor environment to replicate the potency of Chi, or Universal energy and promote the health and vitality of people, several specific elements must be present. These elements are considered building blocks for Feng Shui.
These elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
Chi is the Feng Shui energy in and around us. It flows around objects, rooms, buildings, landscape and people. How it flows around us can bring either positive or negative chi. How you feel within your home or office is directly affected by the quality of energy (chi). We are a product of our environment.
You might ask why Feng Shui has become so relevant in North America recently? Over the past several decades North Americans have become intrigued with Eastern culture and began researching and experimenting with the eastern principles that have proven beneficial to the eastern lifestyle. Initially, only a small of enthusiasts practiced Feng Shui within their households.
However, just as home staging has evolved into a natural element of the home selling process, a Feng Shui assessment has become more of a necessity for families wishing to live within a nurturing and life-enhancing environment of comfort, balance and positive energy. Homeowners, real estate agents and professional home stagers use Feng Shui principles to bring success and prosperity to their listings.
Consider this . . . every second 1 person Googles Feng Shui. Amazon has over 12,000 books. Chinese American homeowners consider Feng Shui to be an integral part of their decision to purchase a home and 79% are willing to pay extra money to ensure their new house is in accordance with this ancient philosophy’s principles.
Feng Shui continues to grow in importance as an art form with the western market because of its success in creating positive, harmonious and balanced homes.

There are three main principles of Feng Shui: Chi, Yin and Yang and The Five Elements.
While every home is unique, working with these three principles within your home or office will enhance the flow of positive chi and make for a healthy, harmonious and balanced environment.
- Chi – the flow of chi can be impaired and hampered by clutter. Chi (energy) is always in motion. Clogged chi becomes negative chi and can result in negative influences on one’s emotional, psychological and physical health.
- Yin and Yang (the masculine and feminine elements) need to be balanced within the space. Yin and Yang are rooted in one another and when they are balance, harmony and success occur.
- The five elements: wood, water, earth, fire and metal ought to be arranged in accordance with the specific bagua (Feng Shui map/compass)
Feng Shui Assessment
Our detailed Feng Shui Assessment and written report are an action plan and guideline of recommendations and suggestions to transform your home or office to a Feng Shui-friendly environment. It is an in-depth analysis of both the interior and exterior of the home.
The Assessment will identify the life baguas in your home and the key elements associated to each bagua.
It will recommend necessary repairs, finish enhancements, decluttering projects, paint colour changes, furniture placement, décor elements, lighting enhancements as well as artwork and plants to support each bagua element.
We’ll help you determine your Gua number and element and explain why that is important.
A Feng Shui Assessment is an educational session on how to create live-enhancing environments by embracing Feng Shui.

Feng Shui brings balance, harmony and
good chi into your home and daily life.
“Life Areas”
Identify the Life Areas (Baguas) of your home and the elements that support each one.
Colours / Objects
Promote positive chi by using the right colours and objects.
Your Element
Your individual personal element, determines what you need for life balance.
Gua Number
Identify your Gua number. Learn what it is and what it means for you and your space.